Showing 3 Result(s)
oatmeal chocolate chip cookie

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

 Yum – these cookies are awesome – and if you’re like me and hate raisins in your oatmeal cookies, you will probably fall in love.  These oatmeal cookies are the bomb diggity.  I am not usually a big fan of oatmeal cookies – I’m usually of the mindset that it’s similar to carrot cake (which …

yogurt dessert

Nutty Yogurt Dessert

Hubby and I are always on the lookout for quick and easy food and dessert (low-cal is just a bonus) ideas. Here’s one that we make many nights out of the week when you need a little something sweet but don’t necessarily want a bowl of ice cream.   Let us know what you thought!

Peach Crisp

Peach Crisp

Fall weather always makes me think of warm soups and comforting pies. Peach Crisps are one of those foods that can help you gracefully transition into the cooler weather with happy thoughts and marvelous smells and tastes. I prefer my crisp, crumbles, and pies to have tons of crunchy topping. In my opinion, the ratio …